Restaurant Food Safety Fails When Training Fails
May 5, 2020 by Fred Pritzker – Food Poisoning Bulletin
London Bakeries fined
A London bakery was fined £152,823 for failing to meet hygiene regs
Between using a tennis racket to mash potatoes and the host of other hygiene concerns, the council fined the directors of the two bakeries involved.
.Contact us for your training needs before it is too late.
RSPH study has shown:
54% of takeaways flouting allergy law. Four in five were not keeping a record of the allergens in their food and only one in 10 were able to actually produce their record when asked.70 percent did not signpost where a customer could find information on the allergens in the food. Contact us for your Allergy training.
Statutory food hygiene rating scheme has been extended
From 28 November 2014, trade to trade food businesses in Wales come within the scope of the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act.
Under this extension to the scheme, businesses such as food manufacturers and wholesale providers who sell food to other businesses will, for the first time, be given a food hygiene rating following their inspection by a local authority food safety officer.
Contact us for HACCP training to help improve you score.
Food retailer put out of business for hygiene breaches
The owner of a food outlet in Radyr has been prosecuted by officers from Cardiff’s Environmental Health section, fined a total of £3900, ordered to pay costs of £400 and a victim surcharge, following persistent breaches of food hygiene regulations. In addition, A Prohibition Order was made preventing him from managing a food business premises.
New legislation – Allergy Control in Foods
From 13 December 2014, food businesses in the UK will have to follow new rules in labelling pre-packed foods and non-prepacked (loose) foods. This is part of the European Food Regulation coming into force.
The new rules require food businesses to provide information on the presence of any of the 14 listed allergens, if added or used as ingredients in food.
Contact us about the new Level 3 Allergen course. We are one of only a few independent Training companies to be able to offer the new ‘ International Level 3 Award in Managing Allergens in Catering’.
New Fines
As from 1st Feb
Prompted by repeated concerns that courts lack consistency in their sentencing approach, often resulting in fines that are disproportionate to the financial resources of offenders and/or undermining the seriousness of offences, the new guidelines aim to give a clear framework to the courts. The guidelines are intended to send out a stark message that non-compliance will be met with very stiff financial penalties that are intended to have a real economic impact on organisations.
1.3 Million trades people at risk from dangers of asbestos
Tradespeople, including construction workers, carpenters and painters and decorators, could come into contact with deadly asbestos on average more than 100 times a year* according to a new survey commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)**.
Port Talbot company in court over worker’s head injuries
A Port Talbot manufacturer has been fined for safety failings after an employee suffered serious injuries when her head became trapped between two machines.
COSHH signage has changed (1st Oct 13)
Did you know the legislation regarding COSHH Health & Safety Signage has changed? Hazardous Substances are used more often than you might think. Hair dressers, Dry Cleaners, Bakers, Engineers – make sure you comply with the law. COSHH safety signs have been changed and by 2015 the old style signs will be no longer be legal. Keep your company safe and up to date.
We are pleased to say that Mike as from Feb 2024 is now an Associate member of FPH (Faculty of Public Health)
We are pleased to say we Deliver the ‘Infection Control in the Workplace’ qualification along with the ‘Infection Control in the Health Care sector’ qualification
Mike has again agreed to be an examination offficer, examination marker, question writer and question reviewer for a major awarding body.
Mike has so far completed over 22 Hrs of CPD this year